Be Part of the Solution
Create experiences. Communicate ideas. Collaborate across the world.
ELB is committed to the success, development, and well-being of our employees as we know they are the cornerstone of our business. We are an equal opportunity employer and attract and retain qualified candidates through experience-and-knowledge based selection techniques.
When you join ELB, you are in a space where ideas are encouraged, innovation and creativity are supported, hard work is valued, and results are acknowledged. You also receive opportunities for training, mentoring and career progression that allows you to turn a job into a rewarding career.
On occasion, we have a need for qualified employees in the following areas:
Business Development
Education Technology Consulting
Systems Design and Engineering
Project Management
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Warehousing
Technical Service and Support
Back Office Functions (including finance, IT, marketing, administration)
If you have a passion for creating experiences, communicating ideas, and collaborating across the world, please view our Current Opportunities.
We’d love for you to hear the difference that full-room coverage makes. Book a demo to experience Nureva audio and Microsoft Teams together.